Here you will find information on ISD Challenge past competitions in the Wing/Ship levels. Newer and ongoing competitions
are on the main Competitions page located under "Challenge Mainframe - Competitions" at your left. Challenge pilots should always refer to this page though to
gather information on past competitions and their results for historic references.
Take note that none of the links trying to drive you to or work anymore. That's because both domains were decomissioned as being part of The Emperor's Hammer around 09/15/2008 following the removal of Grand Admiral Astatine as EH Fleet Commander.
You'll also note some nasty gap between 06/2007 and 09/2008. Well, that fits perfectly with all the time this website remained abandoned and lacking the proper updates; many competitions came and went... most of them now forgotten, others forgotten enough for we to not risk using them here with either uncomplete or plainly wrong details. Face it. We'll try for that to not happen again. =)
* A Banner Tale
Start date: 02/08/2009
End date: 02/22/2009
Battles: N/A
Medals / Awards: IS-SR for winning entry, IS-BR for runner-up
Details: As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Much is the same for banners. COL Domi needs a Wing banner for the Wing X roster site and he wants one that truly reflects the spirit of the Challenge.
Competition Status: Ended
Winner: Lazuli, LCM Tyrian's girlfriend (true story)
* The Wing Commander's Own - September '08
Start date: 09/15/2008
End date: 09/29/2008
Week 1: TIE-F145, XvT-F41, BoP-F4, XWA-F17, XW-F2
Week 2: TIE-F167, XvT-F127, BoP-F27, XWA-F47, XW-F10
Bonus: TIE-TC228
Additional material: Graphics, fictions and multiplayer matches.
Medals / Awards: IS-SW/SR for first places on each event, IS-BW/BR for second places. "Wing Commander's Own" title for the winning Squadron and the rights to use the special battle patch.
Details: This competition determines the Wing Commander’s Own Squadron for 2008-09 in Wing X. In each event a squadron will earn 1 point per member who submits an entry in that event. In addition, each squadron will receive bonus points based on how their members fare in each event. A pilot finishing first in an event will earn his/her squadron 5 extra points while a pilot finishing second will earn 3 bonus points and a third place finisher earning 1 extra point. The squadron with the greatest number of points will be named "Wing Commander’s Own" and will hold that honour until defeated in the next tournament.
- Graphics Design: the battle patch earned for winning this operation. Can be used on squadron websites, uniforms etc.
- Fiction:using the background story provided, write your character’s perspective on the campaign.
- Flight: SP TIE/XWA/XvT/BoP/XW 1 FREE Mission per game platform and week. Scores from Week One and Two combined to determine the winners per platform.
- MP: matches must be against pilots from other squadrons to earn squad points. Matches against members of your own squadron will count towards individual awards.
- Bonus: Fly TIE-TC 228: Tornado Makes a Discovery. Squadron member earns 5 extra points for completing it with top scores earning as follows: 1st – 10 pts, 2nd – 8 points and 3rd - 6 points.
Competition Status: Ended
Winning Squadron: Cyclone Squadron (40 points) - "The Wing Commander's Own"!!
Second Place: Thyphoon Squadron (28 points)
First Place - Single Player TIE:
MAJ Zosite Konstyte Styles/Cyclone (6 points)
Second Place - Single Player TIE: COL Master/Typhoon
(4 points)
Third Place - Single Player TIE: MAJ Scuslem/Typhoon (2
First Place - Single Player XvT:
MAJ Zosite Konstyte Styles/Cyclone (6 points)
Second Place - Single Player XvT: COL Master/Typhoon
(4 points)
Third Place - Single Player XvT: N/A
First Place - Single Player BoP:
MAJ Zosite Konstyte Styles/Cyclone (6 points)
Second Place - Single Player BoP: COL Master/Typhoon
(4 points)
Third Place - Single Player BoP: N/A
First Place - Single Player XWA:
MAJ Zosite Konstyte Styles/Cyclone (6 points)
Second Place - Single Player XWA: MAJ Scuslem/Typhoon
(4 points)
Third Place - Single Player XWA: N/A
First Place - Single Player XW:
MAJ Zosite Konstyte Styles/Cyclone (6 points)
Second Place - Single Player XW: COL Master/Typhoon
(4 points)
Third Place - Single Player XW: N/A
First Place - Graphics:
COL Master/Typhoon (6 points)
Second Place - Graphics: N/A
Third Place - Graphics: N/A
First Place - Fiction:
Second Place - Fiction: N/A
Third Place - Fiction: N/A
First Place - Multiplayer:
Second Place - Multiplayer: N/A
Third Place - Multiplayer: N/A
First Place - Bonus section: MAJ Zosite Konstyte Styles/Cyclone (10 points)
* A Man(dalorian)'s Tale
- by LC Kadon Beir
Start date: 05/15/2007
End date: 06/18/2007
Medals: IS-SR recommendation to the best contributor. IS-BR to the
runner up or as a special award for doing something very contributive to
the storyline.
This is a run-on though it won't be like our others. Against LC Kadon
Beir's better judgement, he has decided to take what was going to be a
personal story and turn it into a run-on so be very careful with the
amount of "god-moding" and goofy posts. He will be moderating and
changing things to match.
Competition Status: Ended
Best poster: Many people actually! One of these days we'll remember them all... :P
Special Contributors: Same as above. Everybody here comes to be "special"... one way or another...
* Thunder's Cantina Fight
- by COL Angel
Start date: 05/10/2007
End date: 06/01/2007
Medals: IS-BR for best posts judged by COL Angel.
Competition Status: Ended
Best posters: Those who deserved it... ^_^u
* ISD Challenge vs. MC-80B Redemption
Start date: 04/16/2007
End date: 05/06/2007
any/all from the
Mission Compendium
Medals: IS-GWs for first place SP, first place MP and first place
overall (SP+MP). IS-SWs for second places. IS-BWs for third places.
Additional IS-SW for every participating pilot of the winning ship that
gathers more than 30 points, and additional IS-BW for every
participating pilot of the losing ship that gathers more than 30 points.
Winning ship will be determined by the average: Sum of all points of all
participating pilots in the ship/number of participating pilots in that
1 point for every
mission flown (3 points if it's a highscore). 3 points for every LoC
awarded. 10 points for every DFC awarded.
Competition Status: Ended
Winning Ship (average): ISD Challenge (47,53 points per participating
Second Place (average):
MC-80B Redemption (32 points per participating pilot)
First Place - Overall: CM Zosite Konstyte Styles
(306 points) - ISD Challenge
Second Place - Overall: MAJ Elwood the Brave (146
points) - ISD Challenge
Third Place - Overall: LCM Sergeyli (79 points) -
ISD Challenge
First Place - Single Player:
CM Zosite Konstyte Styles (221 points) - ISD Challenge
Second Place - Single Player: MAJ Elwood the Brave
(146 points) - ISD Challenge
Third Place - Single Player: LCM Sergeyli (79
points) - ISD Challenge
First Place - Multiplayer:
CM Zosite Konstyte Styles (85 points) - ISD Challenge
Second Place - Multiplayer: LC Stryker (42 points)
- MC-80B Redemption
Third Place - Multiplayer: LT Xgmx (6 points) -
ISD Challenge Additional
Medal Awards:
Challenge (IS-SW): CM Zosite Konstyte Styles (306 points), MAJ Elwood
the Brave (146 points), LCM Sergeyli (79 points), LCM Dempsey (62
points), VA Daniel Bonini (61 points), COL Angel (38 points) and CPT
Great Griffin (30 points)
MC-80B Redemption (IS-BW): COL Stuart (68 points), COL Gunman (56
points) and LC Stryker (42 points)
* Wing X Ace Pilot
- by COL Darklord
Start date: 03/18/2007
End date: 04/01/2007
any/all from the
Mission Compendium
Medals: IS-SW for best combined scorer and IS-BW for runner up.
Rules are nice and simple
- fly lots of missions / battles (any you like)! COL Darklord will be
awarding an IS-SW to the pilot who achieves the highest overall score
from all the battles he or she has flown, and an IS-BW for the
runner-up. For TIE battles he will be counting the Laserless score.
Choose your battles wisely, pick the ones where you can achieve high
scores and you’ll stand a better chance of picking up a shiny new medal!
Competition Status: Ended
First place: LT Dempsey with a total score
of 7,063,317!!!
Second Place: LT Toran Yarr with a total score of
1,624,799 points!!!
* Beir's Birthday run-on
- by LC Kadon Beir
Start date: 03/10/2007
End date: 04/01/2007
Medals: IS-BR for best posts judged by LC Kadon Beir, and appropriate
MoC recommendations for the posts.
Competition Status: Ended
Best posters:
COL Domi, CM Garrett Hap'kette, CM John T. Clark, LT Dempsey and LCM
Zosite Konstyte Styles!!!
* The Hunt for Alcohol Comp
- by COL Azurin Luna
Start date: 02/24/2007
End date: 03/02/2007
TIE-TC 222
Medals: IS-SW for top scorer and IS-BW for
second place in the battle. IS-SR for the best entry in the run-on, and
IS-BR for second best entry.
Details: Due to many parties recently given, the ISD Challenge has
gotten low on alcohol. The whole Wing X must find new alcoholic drinks
so that we may party once again. The run-on will be started at the Wing
X MBs. They also have a mission to fly
Competition Status: Ended
First Place flying: LT Sergeyli with 66,377!!
Second Place flying: LT Dempsey with 63,688!!
First Place Run-on: LCM Zosite Konstyte Styles!!
Second Place Run-on: LCM Oskar Holtz!!
PS.: run-on entry winners were selected by VA Daniel Bonini, and
it was a tough choice, for several entries were of great quality and
humor. Congratulations to everyone who posted on the run-on!
* ISD Challenge Flying
Competition - January/2007
Start date: 01/24/2007
End date: 01/31/2007
TIE-Free 263
Medals: IS-SW for top scorer. IS-BW for
second place. Additional IS-BW for every pilot that beats the
Commodore's score. Laserless scores apply.
COM's score: 76,262
Competition Status: Ended
First Place: LCM Zosite Konstyte Styles with
Second Place: CM Saul Rostek with 14,559!!